IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Work in teams > Team development in Integration Designer

Perspectives and views for team development in Integration Designer

Several perspectives and views in IBM Integration Designer are useful for collaborative development.

The following perspectives are critical for team development:

Business Integration perspective

The Business Integration perspective is the central work area for Integration Designer, where you can do artifact design, development, and component integration.

You can also do most team development activities, such as check out, commit, and update, in this perspective.

As part of the Business Integration perspective, the Physical Resources view lists the relevant artifacts and resources for modules and libraries. The Physical Resources view is similar to the Project Explorer view under the Resource perspective, except that only Service Component Architecture modules are shown; staging modules are not shown.

The Business Integration view includes a Show Files option that displays all authored files for an artifact.

For example, a Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) process saves its process flow logic in a .bpel file, but there are other backing files–.bpelex, .mon, and Artifacts.wsdl—that are needed for the BPEL process to build properly. Right-click any artifact and select Show Files to open the view. The Show Files option highlights all the backing files in the Physical Resources view.

Physical Resources view

The Physical Resources view shows all of the file-level resources from the modules and libraries in their natural form. Related projects that are generated when you create business integration applications are still hidden in this view.

The logical contents of the physical file are also displayed in this view.

For example, if you have several business objects in an XSD file, you will be able to expand the XSD file in this view and see all the business objects in the file.

If you have an artifact open in an editor, you can click the opened artifact in the editor pane (to focus on it) and then click the Link with Editor button to quickly locate the file in the Business Integration view.

You can apply filters to exclude all but the objects that you want from the Physical Resources view. By default, filters are enabled for XSD files to make it easier to find data types. You can also apply filters to WSDL files by enabling that function in Preferences and you can apply a filter to hide secondary artifacts.

The .settings folder also appears in this view. The .settings folder contains properties used by Integration Designer and should be shared with each project. For that reason, the .settings folder should be added to team repositories. See the related links for more information about the .settings folder.

Resource perspective

In the Project Explorer view, which is listed under the Resource perspective, you can see every module and artifact in the workspace, including all staging modules.

Team Synchronizing perspective

In the Synchronize view within the Team Synchronizing perspective, you can synchronize the workspace with the remote repository. It displays any relevant outgoing or incoming changes and can identify merge conflicts.

CVS Repository Exploring perspective

The CVS Repository Exploring perspective lists all modules or projects that are currently managed in CVS. If your project uses a different SCM provider, then a similar perspective may exist.

Team development in Integration Designer

Related concepts:
Physical Resources view: The .settings folder

Related tasks:
Use CVS with Integration Designer and Process Center
Sharing your integration project through CVS

Related information:
Associating a module or library with a process application or toolkit
Disassociating a module or library from a process application or toolkit