IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Programming IBM BPM > Enterprise Service Bus programming > Testing and Debugging

Debugging mediation flows

The integration debugger allows you to debug your mediation flow component using a graphical user interface. You can control the flow execution by using breakpoints to step over the running of mediation primitives. When the server is running in debug mode, and a breakpoint is encountered, the running stops. When a component thread pauses at a breakpoint, you can control program flow or alter the state of the running component. You can use the variables view to inspect the data or message.

To debug a mediation flow...

  1. Start the server in debug mode by selecting Debug from the server's context menu.

  2. Add the projects that you want to debug to the server.
  3. Open the mediation flow that you want to debug.

  4. Select a mediation primitive that you want the flow execution to pause at, right-click and select Debug -> Add Breakpoint.

  5. If you want to debug within a subflow, you must open the subflow and set a breakpoint on a mediation primitive in the subflow.
  6. Open the assembly diagram and launch the integration test client to test the mediation flow component.

  7. Enter the test data in value editor of the integration test client.

  8. Click Continue to start running the test.

  9. The flow execution will pause at the first breakpoint. You can inspect the message coming in to the mediation primitive in the Variables view.

  10. When you have inspected the message, you can then step over the primitive or continue the flow execution until it hits the next breakpoint.

Testing and Debugging