IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Tuning > Advanced tuning > Enterprise Service Bus tuning

Configure WSRR Cache timeout

WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) is used by WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus for endpoint lookup. When accessing the WSRR (for example, by using the Endpoint Lookup mediation primitive), results from the registry are cached in WebSphere ESB.

The lifetime of the cached entries can be configured by clicking Service Integration > WSRR Definitions > WSRR_definition_name > Timeout of Cache.

Verify that the timeout is a sufficiently large value. The default timeout is 300 seconds, which is reasonable from a performance perspective. A value that is too low results in frequent lookups to the WSRR, which can be expensive (especially if retrieving a list of results), and also includes the associated network latency if the registry is located on a remote computer.

Enterprise Service Bus tuning