IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Get started with IBM BPM > Key concepts > Bindings > Binding types > WebSphere MQ JMS bindings

WebSphere MQ JMS bindings overview

The WebSphere MQ JMS binding provides integration with external applications that use the WebSphere MQ JMS provider.

WebSphere MQ administrative tasks

The WebSphere MQ system administrator is expected to create the underlying WebSphere MQ Queue Manager, which the WebSphere MQ JMS bindings will use, before running an application containing these bindings.

WebSphere MQ JMS import bindings

The WebSphere MQ JMS import allows components within your SCA module to communicate with services provided by WebSphere MQ JMS-based providers. You must be using a supported version of WebSphere MQ. Detailed hardware and software requirements can be found on the IBM support pages.

Two types of usage scenarios for WebSphere MQ JMS import bindings are supported, depending on the type of operation being invoked:

For both one-way and two-way usage scenarios, dynamic and static header properties can be specified.Static properties can be set from the JMS import method binding. Some of these properties have special meanings to the SCA JMS runtime.

It is important to note that WebSphere MQ JMS is an asynchronous binding. If a calling component invokes a WebSphere MQ JMS import synchronously (for a two-way operation), the calling component is blocked until the response is returned by the JMS service.

Figure 1 illustrates how the import is linked to the external service.

Figure 1. WebSphere MQ JMS import binding resources

WebSphere MQ JMS export bindings

The WebSphere MQ JMS export binding provides the means for SCA modules to provide services to external JMS applications on the WebSphere MQ-based JMS provider.

An MDB is deployed to listen to requests incoming to the receive destination specified in the export binding. The destination specified in the send field is used to send the reply to the inbound request if the invoked component provides a reply. The destination specified in the replyTo field of the response message overrides the destination specified in the send field.

Figure 2 illustrates how the external requester is linked to the export.

Figure 2. WebSphere MQ JMS export binding resources

Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate how an application from a previous version of IBM BPM is linked to an external service. For applications developed for IBM BPM Version 7.0, the Activation specification is used instead of the Listener Port and Connection Factory.

WebSphere MQ JMS bindings