IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > IBM BPM Advanced > Install IBM BPM Advanced > On Linux > Stand-alone environment > Custom installation and configuration > Configure profiles and databases > DB2 database server
Create DB2 databases
IBM BPM requires a Process Server database, Performance Data Warehouse database, and Common database. The Common database contains Business Space and other components. You must create the databases before ND.
The default database names are BPMDB for the Process Server database, PDWDB for the Performance Data Warehouse database, and CMNDB for the Common database.
The Process Server and Performance Data Warehouse require their own separate databases and cannot be configured on the same database as the other BPM components.
To create the databases for DB2 (replace the @ placeholder strings with the appropriate values):
create database @DB_NAME@ automatic storage yes using codeset UTF-8 territory US pagesize 32768; connect to @DB_NAME@; grant dbadm on database to user @DB_USER@; UPDATE DB CFG FOR @DB_NAME@ USING LOGFILSIZ 4096 DEFERRED; UPDATE DB CFG FOR @DB_NAME@ USING LOGSECOND 64 DEFERRED; connect reset;
What to do next
To use DB2 Universal Databaseā¢:
- Run the db2profile script to set the required DB2 environment used to invoke the DB2 commands during profile creation. Add the db2profile script to the /etc/profile file. Run
vi /etc/profileand add the following lines:export PATH=/opt/IBM/db2/V9.7/bin:$PATH . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profileAfter adding the db2profile script to the /etc/profile directory, run the db2profile script to set the DB2 environment.- Add the user ID that will be used during profile creation to the DB2 administrative groups.
For example, if you log in as the root user and are creating the database using db2inst1 as the user ID, add the root user to the /etc/groups administrative groups.
vi /etc/groupsand update the following lines:dasadm:|;101:dasusr1,db2inst1,root db2iadm:|:102;root db2fadm:|:103;db2fenc1,root
If the procedure is not followed, you might see the following exceptions when creating or augmenting a profile.
- When the db2profile script is not run:
/opt/HJJ/wps4013/util/dbUtils/profileHelpers/commonDBUtility.ant:841: Execute failed: Cannot run program "db2" (in directory "/opt/HJJ/
wps4013/profiles/Dmgr01/dbscripts/CommonDB/DB2/WPSDB1")- When the DB2 database manager is not running:
SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019- When the user who installed IBM BPM and is creating the profile is not added to the DB2 administrative groups:
SQL1092N "ROOT" does not have the authority to perform the requested command.
Configure a stand-alone environment with a DB2 database server on Linux