IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > Update IBM BPM > Installing fix packs and interim fixes

Installing fix packs silently

You can install fix packs to IBM BPM silently.

Visit the IBM Support website to check for available fix packs and interim fixes.

Before install a fix pack, perform the following tasks:

  1. Read the fix pack documentation thoroughly. The documentation lists dependencies, such as WebSphere Application Server fix pack levels or other IBM product fixes that install before you apply the fix pack.

  2. To ensure that your implementation is performing the same way that it did before you applied the fix pack, prepare a regression test plan.
  3. Back up your database and profile.
  4. Before you deploy the fix pack to a production environment, install the fix pack in a development or quality-assurance environment.

  5. You must perform the installation using the same user account that you used to install the product packages.

You cannot use this procedure to install updates on the underlying IBM DB2 Express. You must update IBM DB2 Express following its normal update process.


To add a fix pack to IBM BPM Advanced silently:

  1. Read the license terms before updating. Adding -acceptLicense to the command line means that you accept all license terms. If you do not accept the license, you cannot perform the installation.

  2. Run the following command:

    If you are running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, start your command prompt by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.

     extract_directory\IM\tools\imcl install  list_of_product_IDs -acceptLicense -installationDirectory  location -repositories  repository -showVerboseProgress -log  logName.log

     cd extract_directory/IM/tools/
    imcl install list_of_product_IDs -acceptLicense -installationDirectory location -repositories repository -showVerboseProgress -log logName.log

    • list_of_product_IDs is a list of the IDs for the products you want to update, separated by spaces.

      Product IDs
      Product Product ID
      IBM BPM Advanced
      IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server
      IBM BPM Advanced: Process Server for z/OS
      IBM BPM Standard
      IBM BPM Express
      WebSphere ESB
      WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment

    • extract_directory is the path to where you extracted the fix pack files.

    • location is the path to the directory where you want to update the products.

    • repository is the path to the repository where you have extracted the fix pack files. For more than one repository, separate the repository locations with commas.

    • logName is the name of the log file to record messages and results.


Installation Manager updates the list of products and writes a log file to the directory that you specified.


The following example updates IBM BPM Advanced on Windows.

imcl install -acceptLicense -installationDirectory C:\IBM\BPM75 -repositories D:\temp\BPM\repository\fixpack1 -showVerboseProgress -log silentinstall.log

Installing fix packs and interim fixes

Related reference:

Command-line arguments for imcl

Related information:

IBM Installation Manager information center