IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > Update IBM BPM > Installing fix packs and interim fixes

Installing interim fixes silently

You can install an interim fix for IBM BPM using the command-line mode of the Installation Manager.

Visit the IBM Support website to check for available fix packs and interim fixes.

Before install an interim fix, perform the following tasks:

  1. Read the interim fix documentation thoroughly. The documentation lists dependencies, such as WebSphere Application Server fix pack levels or other IBM product fixes that install before you apply the interim fix.

  2. To ensure that your implementation is performing the same way that it did before you applied the interim fix, prepare a regression test plan.
  3. Back up your database and profile.
  4. Before you deploy the interim fix to a production environment, install the interim fix in a development or quality-assurance environment.

  5. You must perform the installation using the same user account that you used to install the product packages.

This procedure uses a local directory to store the interim fix. For information about using an online repository that hosts the interim fix files and other configuration information, refer to the IBM Installation Manager information center.


To install an interim fix silently:

  1. Download the interim fix to the local system.

  2. Create a new directory and extract the interim fix in the new directory.
  3. Open a command prompt, and change directories to the /eclipse/tools directory under Installation Manager.

    If you are running Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server 2008, start your command prompt by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.

  4. Make the appropriate replacements and run the following command:
    imcl install  fixID -repositories  repositoryLocation -installationDirectory  installationDirectory -log  logLocation

    1. Replace fixID with the ID of the interim fix. The ID can be found in the repository.xml file in the directory where you extracted the interim fix, in the fix id element.

      For example:

      <fix id="" version="" offeringId="EnhancedFix" offeringVersion="0.0.0.EnhancedFix">
    2. Replace repositoryLocation with the directory where you extracted the interim fix.
    3. Replace installationDirectory with the location where installed IBM BPM.
    4. Replace logLocation with the location and file name to log the installation information.

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\Installation Manager\eclipse\tools>imcl install -repositories C:\interimFix\ -installationDirectory C:\IBM\BPM80 -log logfix.txt


The installation log (specified by the -log parameter) contains no error messages if the interim fix installation is successful. The command line shows a message that the fix was installed.

For example:

Installed to the C:\IBM\BPM80 directory.

Installing fix packs and interim fixes

Related information:

IBM Installation Manager information center