IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Install IBM BPM > Plan for IBM BPM > Plan the database configuration > Database privileges
User ID or schema name privileges
During the installation of IBM BPM, you can use the default schema name and user ID privileges to install your databases. However, your database design might require separate user ID or schema name privileges.
Review the provided scenarios to determine when and how to configure different schema names and user ID privileges when you install IBM BPM.
Scenario for a single user ID or schema name privileges
If you chose a default installation for your databases, IBM BPM requires a minimum of one user ID or schema name that can create tables and to select, insert, update, and delete rows in those tables. You can use or the installer to create your databases.
The following table shows the default database configuration properties when you use DB2 as your database. Other databases have different default configuration properties for database configuration.
Scenario: Single user ID or schema Database tables Default database name with DB2 User ID or schema name Common database tables CMNDB IBM BPM provides a user ID during installation. Business Process Choreographer BPEDB IBM BPM provides a user ID during installation. Messaging tables MEDB IBM BPM provides a schema name during installation. If your database design has different properties, you might need multiple user ID and schema name privileges. The following scenarios show you how to apply the configuration to achieve your design. Even if your particular design is not in the provided scenarios, you can adapt some of the ideas to implement your particular design.
Scenario 1 for multiple user ID or schema name privileges
In this scenario, you use a schema name that is the same as the user ID privileges, but you do not use the default schema name or default user ID privileges. This single user ID can access all of the database and also create all needed tables. The following examples show scenario 1 privileges:
- Schema name: dog
- Schema name for SCA.SYSTEM ME : dogSYS
- Schema name for SCA.APP ME: dogAPP
- Schema name for Event ME: dogEvent
- Schema name for BPC ME: dogBPC
- User ID to create schemas: dog
- User ID to select, insert, update, and delete schemas: dog
The following table contains information about how to set up the schema name and user ID privileges with DB2 as your database. If you choose a different database, see their documentation for setting up schema names and user ID privileges.
Scenario 1: Multiple user ID or schema Database tables Database name with DB2 Schema name User ID to create tables User ID to select, insert, update, and delete rows Common database tables
You supply this value in the
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
This schema name is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
This value is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
You supply this value in the
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
Business Process Choreographer tables
You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- While configuring a deployment target using one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- bpeconfig.jacl
This schema name is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows. This value is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows. You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- While configuring a deployment target using one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- bpeconfig.jacl
Scenario 2 for multiple user ID or schema name privileges
In this scenario, you use the same schema name and user ID to select, insert, update, and delete schemas. However, you use a different user ID to create the schemas. The following examples show scenario 2 privileges:
- Schema name: snow
- Schema name for SCA.SYSTEM ME: snowSYS
- Schema name for SCA.APP ME: snowAPP
- Schema name for Event ME: snowEvent
- Schema name for BPC ME: snowBPC
- User ID to create the schemas: rock
- User ID to select, insert, update, and delete schemas: snow
The following table contains information about how to set up the schema name and user ID privileges with DB2 as your database. If you choose a different database, see their documentation for setting up schema names and user ID privileges.
Scenario 2: Multiple user ID or schema Database tables Database name with DB2 Schema name User ID to create tables User ID to select, insert, update, and delete rows Common database tables
You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- During the IBM BPM
configuration with one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
- bpeconfig.jacl
Restriction: If you run the installer first, then you supply the value once because the generated scripts already contain the correct schema name and user ID values.
The table creation scripts need to be modified with the schema name that allows reading and writing rows.
The table creation script needs to be modified with the user ID that allows table creation.
You supply the user ID during profile creation through one of the following:
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
Business Process Choreographer tables
You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- While configuring a deployment target using one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- bpeconfig.jacl
The table creation scripts need to be modified with the schema name that allows reading and writing rows.
The table creation script needs to be modified with the user ID that allows table creation.
You supply the user ID during profile creation through one of the following:
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
Scenario 3 for multiple user ID or schema name privileges
In this scenario, you use the same user ID to create all schemas. However, each schema has a different user ID to select, insert, update, and delete rows. The following list shows examples of privileges for Scenario 3:
- Schema name: waterCom
- Schema name for common tables: waterCom
- Schema name for SCA.SYSTEM ME: waterSYSME
- Schema name for SCA.APP ME: waterAPPME
- Schema name for Event ME: waterEventME
- Schema name for BPC ME: waterBPCME
- Schema name for BPC and HTM tables: waterBPC
- Schema name for ESBMessaging tables: waterESB
- User ID to create schemas: milk
- User ID to select, insert, update, and delete schemas:
Schema name User ID to select, insert, update, and delete schemas waterCom waterCom waterSYSME waterSYSME waterAPPME waterAPPME waterEventME waterEventME waterBPCME waterBPCME waterBPC waterBPC waterESB waterESB
The following table contains information about how to set up the schema name and user ID privileges with DB2 as your database. If you choose a different database, see their documentation for setting up schema names and user ID privileges.
Scenario 3: Multiple user ID or schema Database tables Database name with DB2 Schema name User ID to create tables User ID to select, insert, update, and delete rows Common database tables
You supply this value in the
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
This schema name is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
This value is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
You supply the user ID during profile creation through one of the following:
- Installation wizard
- Profile Management Tool
- Silent install
- Silent profile creation
Business Process Choreographer tables
You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- While configuring a deployment target using one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- bpeconfig.jacl
The table creation scripts need to be modified with a schema name used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
This value is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
You supply this value twice:
- In table creation scripts
- While configuring a deployment target using one of the following:
- Administrative console
- Installation wizard
- bpeconfig.jacl
Messaging tables
You supply this value with the definition of each messaging engine.
The table creation scripts must include the schema name used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
This value is the same as the user ID used to select, insert, update, and delete rows.
You supply this value during the creation of the messaging engine. Select the Create Table option during the messaging engine configuration.