IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Migrating and upgrading your IBM BPM environment > Migrating from other products > Migrating from WebSphere MQ Workflow > Migrating using the Migration wizard

Optimizing the migrated business processes

During the migration of business processes, there are a number of optimization options that will aid in the overall efficiency, performance and usability of your migrated business process.

For example, you can reduce the number of Java snippets, remove unnecessary structural elements, and reduce the number of BPEL variables through the optimization options in the Migration wizard.

The following table details the WebSphere MQ Workflow migration optimization options and the associated results for each:

WebSphere MQ Workflow migration optimization options
Option Result
Merge adjacent Java snippets Selecting this check box will optimize the business process by combining Java snippets where possible (serial, parallel, or mixed). The process will run more efficiently as the variables are shared in one Java snippet and duplicate code pieces can be eliminated.

Not selecting this check box means that the process is still valid, however, this will result in many single Java snippets in the BPEL process.

Remove unnecessary structural elements Selecting this check box will optimize the business process by removing structural elements. Unnecessary nesting of structural BPEL activities is not efficient for the process flow.
Reduce the number of variables Selecting this check box will optimize the business process by reducing the number of BPEL variables. Use the slide bar to select the reduction level. When migrating an FDL process to BPEL, many BPEL variables are created based on FDL variables. You can suppress all, some, or none of the FDL variables to be transferred to the BPEL process.

  • Variable reduction level 0: This option allows the minimum share of variables. This will merge the corresponding FDL variables of output and input containers into one BPEL variable.
  • Variable reduction level 1: This option allows the moderate share of variables. This will merge the corresponding FDL variables of output and input containers into one BPEL variable. It will also share variables while tolerating potential conflict with the predefined data member "Priority".
  • Variable reduction level 2: This option allows the medium share of variables. This will merge the corresponding FDL variables of output and input containers into one BPEL variable. It will also share variables while tolerating potential conflicts with the predefined data members "Priority" and "Notification".

    In rare cases, a BPEL variable is shared incorrectly. In such cases, run the migration again with a decreased optimization level.

  • Variable reduction level 3: This option allows nearly all possible variables to be shared. This will merge the corresponding FDL variables of output and input containers into one BPEL variable. It will also share variables while tolerating potential conflicts with the predefined data members "Priority", "Notification", and "Staff".

    In rare cases, a BPEL variable is shared incorrectly. In such cases, run the migration again with a decreased optimization level.

  • Variable reduction level 4: This option allows as many as possible variables to be shared. This will merge the corresponding FDL variables of output and input containers into one BPEL variable. It will also share variables while tolerating potential conflicts with the predefined data members "Priority", "Notification", "Staff", and default data settings.

    In rare cases, a BPEL variable is shared incorrectly. In such cases, run the migration again with a decreased optimization level.

For more information regarding optimization options as well as for information about the command line tool for MQ Workflow migration, see the IBM BPM support site.

: Migrating WebSphere MQ Workflow using the Migration wizard