Plan to use the administrative console's deployment environment wizard

For a production system, plan all the configuration parameters for Business Process Choreographer, including a separate database. For a non-production system, you can use a shared database.

You have performed Plan the topology, setup, and configuration path, and have selected the "Production deployment environment" configuration path.

When using the deployment environment wizard, you must select the deployment environment pattern, then you have the opportunity to change the default database parameters and authentication aliases for the WBI_BPC component, and enter other parameters for Business Process Choreographer.


  1. If you do not have enough information or authority to create the whole configuration on your own, consult and plan with the people who are responsible for other parts of the system.

    For example:

    • You might need to request information about your organization's LDAP server, if it uses authentication you will need to request a user ID, and authorization.

      If you are not authorized to create the database, your database administrator (DBA) must be included in planning the databases. Your DBA will need a copy of the database scripts to customize and run.

  2. Perform Plan security, user IDs, and authorizations.
  3. Decide which deployment environment pattern you will use:

  4. If you are planning to have dedicated databases for the following:

    • The BPEDB database for Business Process Choreographer, which can be changed in the wizard in a table row for the component WBI_BPC.

    • The BPEME database for the Business Process Choreographer messaging engine, which can be changed in the wizard in a table row for the component WBI_BPC_ME.

    Plan the following parameters for each database, to enter on the wizard's database page:

    Database name

    The name of the database, for example, BPEDB or BPEME instead of the default value, CMNDB, which results in sharing the common database. The default value is only suitable for lower performance setups.


    The schema qualifier to be used for each database.

    Create Tables

    If selected, the tables will be created automatically the first time that the database is accessed. For this option to work, the database must already exist, and the user name provided for creating the data source must have the authority to create tables and indexes in the database. If not selected, the tables will not be created automatically, and create the tables manually by running scripts. For a production system, clear this option, and plan to use the provided SQL scripts to set up the database.

    User Name and Password

    A user ID that has the authority to connect to the database and to modify the data. If the user ID has the authority to create tables and indexes in the database, then the option to create the tables automatically can be used, and when necessary, the database schema will be updated automatically after applying a service or fix pack.


    The address of the database server. Specify either the host name or the IP address.


    The JDBC provider.
    Also plan the database-specific settings, which you can set by clicking Edit for the JDBC provider.

    Database-specific settings
    Database / JDBC driver type Database-specific settings
    DB2 UDB – Universal driver

    • User name
    • Password

    • Database name
    • Schema name
    • Server name
    • Server port number
    • Driver type
    • Description

    • Create tables

    DB2 for z/OS

    • Implementation type – Connection pool data source or XA data source

    • User name
    • Password

    • Database name
    • Schema name
    • Server name
    • Server port number
    • Storage group
    • Description

    Microsoft SQL Server – Microsoft driver

    • User name
    • Password

    • Database name
    • Server name
    • Server port number
    • Description

    • Create tables

    Oracle – thin driver

    • User name
    • Password

    • Database name
    • Schema name
    • Server name
    • Server port number
    • Driver type – thin
    • Description

    • Create tables

    For more details about planning the databases, see Plan the databases for Business Process Choreographer.

  5. Plan the user name for the Business Process Choreographer JMS authentication alias that you will enter during the Security step.
  6. Plan the Business Process Choreographer Explorer context root, which defines part of the URL that browsers must use to reach the Business Process Choreographer Explorer.
  7. Plan the security parameters for the Business Process Choreographer step. These user IDs and groups will be used for the Business Flow Manager and Human Task Manager:

    Administrator User and Group

    Plan a list of user IDs or a list or groups, or both, onto which the business administrator role is mapped.

    Monitor User and Group

    Plan a list of user IDs or a list or groups, or both, onto which the business monitor role is mapped.

    JMS API Authentication User and Password

    The run-as user ID for the Business Flow Manager message driven bean.

    Escalation User Authentication User and Password

    The run-as user ID for the Human Task Manager message driven bean.

    Cleanup User Authentication User and Password

    The run-as user ID for the Business Flow Manager and Human Task Manager cleanup service. This user must be in the business administrator role.

  8. If you want to configure an email session for the Human Task Manager escalations, plan the following parameters for the Business Process Choreographer step:

    Mail transport host

    The host name or IP address where the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email service is located.

    Mail transport user and Mail transport password

    If the mail server does not require authentication, you can leave these fields empty.

    Business Process Choreographer Explorer URL

    This URL is used to provide a link in generated emails so that a business administrator who receives an email notification can click the link to view the related business process or human task in their web browser.

  9. If you are going to use the Business Process Choreographer Explorer, the Business Space, or a client that uses the Representational State Transfer (REST) API or the JAX web services API, decide on the context roots for the REST API and the JAX web services API.

    • The defaults for the Business Flow Manager are /rest/bpm/bfm and /BFMJAXWSAPI.

    • The defaults for the Human Task Manager are /rest/bpm/htm and /HTMJAXWSAPI.

    • When configured on a server, or on a single cluster, or on multiple clusters that are mapped to different web servers, you can use the default values.

    • When configured in a ND environment on multiple deployment targets that are mapped to the same web server, do not use the default values. The context root for each Business Process Choreographer configuration must be unique for each combination of host name and port. You will have to set these values manually using the administrative console after configuring Business Process Choreographer.

  10. If you want to use people assignment, perform Plan for the people directory provider.


You have planned to use the administrative console's deployment environment wizard.