IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Programming IBM BPM > Developing client applications that use IBM BPM REST APIs

Status codes returned by the IBM BPM REST APIs

If an error occurs during the processing of a REST request, the REST methods return an appropriate HTTP status code to the calling client.

For BPD resources, error responses omit the server-side exception details because of security considerations. To include these details in the error response, set the associated property in the 100Custom.xml file for the process server:


The following tables show the status codes that are returned for successful completion, expected error situations, and unexpected errors.

Status codes for successful completion of the REST request
Status code Explanation
200 OK The request completed successfully.
201 Created The request completed successfully; a new resource was created.
204 No Content The request completed successfully, but content is not available

Status codes for expected error situations
Status code Explanation
400 Bad Request The REST request contains parameters that are not valid, or they are missing.
401 Unauthorized The caller is not authorized to perform the request.
403 Forbidden The caller is not authorized to complete the request.
404 Not Found The requested resource does not exist.
406 Not Acceptable An unsupported content type or content encoding was requested.
409 Conflict A conflict exists with the current state of the resource. The requested action cannot be performed on the resource in its current state.
415 Unsupported Media Type The request contains an unknown content type or content encoding.

Status codes for unexpected errors
Status code Explanation
500 Internal Server Error A problem has occurred; additional information is provided in the stack trace.
501 Not Implemented The request is not supported by the IBM BPM REST API.
503 Service Unavailable Federated requests could not be delivered to all of the federation targets.
504 Gateway Timeout A federated response is not complete because responses are missing from some federation targets.

Developing client applications that use IBM BPM REST APIs

Related reference:
REST Interface for BPD-related Resources
REST Interface for BPEL-related Process Resources
REST Interface for BPEL-related Task Resources
REST Interface for Federated BPM Resources
HTTP header fields and generic URI parameters