IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Authoring services in Integration Designer > Work with the Process Center repository

Create an import to invoke a Business Process Definition

A service may need information from a Business Process Definition in Process Designer; for example, information on an employee's hiring status. An import can be created to invoke the Business Process Definition with the required information.


To create an import to invoke a Business Process Definition, follow these steps:

  1. From the Business Integration view, expand the process application and right-click the Business Process Definition you want to invoke. The available Business Process Definitions will be listed under Processes. Select Create Import. Alternately, on the assembly editor palette you can expand Outbound Imports, and then select Business Process Definition, drag it onto the canvas and select the Business Process Definition from the window. You can also:

    • Drag the Business Process Definition from the Business Integration perspective onto the assembly editor canvas: Simply drag the Business Process Definition on the assembly editor canvas.

    • Drag the Business Process Definition from the Business Integration perspective directly into the BPEL editor: When you drag the Business Process Definition into the BPEL editor, it automatically creates an import and reference.

  2. Select the invocation style you want to use:

    • Use a request-response invocation (default): This invocation style starts the Business Process Definition and waits for the Business Process Definition to a respond back with any output.

    • Use a one-way invocation: This invocation style starts the Business Process Definition and expects no response to be returned from the Business Process Definition.

  3. An import is created and added to the assembly editor canvas.

Process Center repository