IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Installing, deploying, and undeploying applications in the runtime environment > Deploying service modules
Prepare to deploy to a server
After developing and testing a module, you must export the module from a test system and bring it into a production environment for deployment. To deploy an application you also should be aware of the paths needed when exporting the module and any libraries the module requires.
Before beginning this task, you should have developed and tested your modules on a test server and resolved problems and performance issues.
Important: To prevent replacing an application or module already running in a deployment environment, make sure the name of the module or application is unique from any already deployed.
This task verifies that all of the necessary pieces of an application are available and packaged into the correct files to bring to the production server.
You can also export an enterprise archive (EAR) file from Integration Designer and deploy that file directly into IBM BPM.
If the services within a component use a database, deploy the application on a server directly connected to the database.
- Locate the folder that contains the components for the module you want to deploy.
The component folder should be named module-name with a file in it named module.module, the base module.
- Verify that all components contained in the module are in component subfolders beneath the module folder.
For ease of use, name the subfolder similar to module/ component.
- Verify that all files that comprise each component are contained in the appropriate component subfolder and have a name similar to component-file-name.component.
The component files contain the definitions for each individual component within the module.
- Verify that all other components and artifacts are in the subfolders of the component that requires them.
In this step you ensure that any references to artifacts required by a component are available. Names for components should not conflict with the names the serviceDeploy command uses for staging modules. See Naming conventions for staging modules.
- Verify that a references file, module.references, exists in the module folder of step 1.
The references file defines the references and the interfaces within the module.
- Verify that a wires file, module.wires, exists in the component folder.
The wires file completes the connections between the references and the interfaces within the module.
- Verify that a manifest file, module.manifest, exists in the component folder.
The manifest lists the module and all the components that comprise the module. It also contains a class path statement so that the serviceDeploy command can locate any other modules needed by the module.
- Create a compressed file or a JAR file of the module as input to the serviceDeploy command that you will use to prepare the module for deployment to the production server.
Example folder structure for MyValue module before deployment
The following example illustrates the directory structure for the module MyValueModule, which is made up of the components MyValue, CustomerInfo, and StockQuote.
MyValueModule MyValueModule.manifest MyValueModule.references MyValueModule.wiring MyValueClient.jsp process/myvalue MyValue.component service/customerinfo CustomerInfo.component service/stockquote StockQuote.component
What to do next
Deploy the module onto the production systems as described in Deploying a module on a production server.