IBM BPM, V8.0.1, All platforms > Measuring and improving business processes > Monitoring

Service component monitoring overview

A conceptual overview of the reasons you monitor service components; which event points within the service components you select to monitor; and, how to configure monitoring on your system.

IBM BPM provides capabilities for monitoring service components to aid in system administration functions, such as performance tuning and problem determination. It goes beyond these traditional functions by also providing the capability for persons who are not necessarily information technology specialists to continually monitor the processing of the service components within the applications deployed on your system. By overseeing the overall processing flow of the interconnected components, you can ensure that your system is producing what you expect it to produce.

IBM BPM operates on top of an installation of WebSphere Application Server, and, consequently, uses much of the functionality of the application server infrastructure for monitoring system performance and troubleshooting. It also includes some extra functionality that is designed for monitoring service components. This section focuses on how you monitor server-specific service components. It is intended to supplement the monitoring and troubleshooting topics found in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center; therefore; refer to that documentation for details of the other monitoring capabilities in the combined product.

Monitoring IBM BPM

Related concepts:
Event catalog

Related information:

"Monitoring" in the WebSphere Application Server information center